AgriSens DEMMIN 4.0
The AgriSens DEMMIN 4.0 digital experimental field deals with the use of remote sensing data, satellite and UAV-supported systems to estimate yields, record low-yield locations, map harvest stones and determine soil moisture. To support farmers, a FieldMApp is being set up and a water forecasting model established.
Contents and goals
AgriSens DEMMIN 4.0 is one of the 14 Digital Experimental Fields initiated by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. This project aims to make satellite, drone and aircraft data available to farmers. The geoinformation serves, among other things, as a basis for decisions on certain agronomic measures such as fertilisation, sowing or soil tillage. In addition, an app application (FieldMApp) is being developed to enable practitioners to access this information easily. With the help of climate stations and satellite data, a water balance model is being developed that will not only show evaporation, but also forecast whether and to what extent irrigation is advisable in the future.
Task of the DLG
As a subcontractor, the DLG is responsible for organising events such as practitioner days, workshops and regional conferences. It also supports public relations work on the project's own website, Instagram channel and in the publication of technical articles. In addition, the DLG brings the project team together with key stakeholders in the industry, farmers and experts from the various committees.
Project partners
Latest news
Social media
Experimentierfeld AgriSens
Project duration
From March 2020 to February 2025
Project responsibility
Contact person at the DLG
Dr. Ulrich Rubenschuh, DLG Competence Center Agriculture
Prof. Dr. Christopher Conrad
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Matthias Kunz
Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam